Friday, July 22, 2011

Tragedy in the streets

Happy to report I resisted the donuts.

But on to more serious thoughts. I don't believe in an entity. I try not to let the word G-d slip out of my mouth because that would make me a hypocrite. So, in the last week I have been truly tested. I will go to greater lengths for animals than I would for most people. Twice in the last week I have been witness to the deaths of a raccoon and a duck - both hit by cars in the street. I am that person who stops my car and attempts to rescue injured animals that are still alive and in danger of being repeatedly run over, facing a horrific death. I don't know the outcome of the raccoon because I moved it to the safety of the sidewalk and called wild animal rescue to pick it up and humanely euthanize it, but they said they couldn't find it. Maybe someone came along behind me a carried it somewhere. The duck is another story. I think that there was some sort of intervention that came into play. I was following a car closely because we were at a slow speed and he ran over the duck and before I realized it, so had I. It was devastating. I am horrified, but I think had he stopped suddenly I would have rear-ended him on top of witnessing another animal tragedy. Or the other possibility is that I would have been far enough behind him for me to stop and be witness to another very sad sight that I would never be able to get out of my mind. I wish none of it had happened, but it happened in the only way that I can eventually live with. The morning was so dewy that I couldn't see it behind me and that was also a blessing. With time, these images will fade, but I know they'll come back every so often like the images of the last moments of each of my precious dearly departed furbabies do. I still cry for them.

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